IELTS Writing

IELTS Writing

Study with John Smith's IELTS and you can approach this important exam with complete confidence. That’s because our system focuses on the key areas of exam strategy, exam thinking and wider English language skill. Our system is targeted to helping you get your best possible IELTS exam result.


You’ll also be able to take advantage of our Academic Extras to maximize your learning, with activities including attending lectures, a pronunciation clinic, a conversation class, and conversation partnerships with native speakers. Prepare for the IELTS exam with John Smith's IELTS for a unique and life-changing experience.


The IELTS exam preparation course includes guidance on how to improve exam skills and technique during the classes and intense development of the 4 core language skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing).Your exam preparation class includes guidance on how to become a more independent learner, participation in the Student’s Podium (giving presentations and peer teaching) and weekly tutorials with an experienced learner.


The exam is available as an Academic or General Training option. If you intend enrolling on a university course, the Academic Training Option is required. By contrast, the General Training option is required for other reasons such as vocational or non-academic training or immigration purposes.


Your John Smith's experience will include fun, interesting lessons and a professional teacher who wants to see you succeed.


** Understand the Writing test


Write clearly, organise your ideas and use a varied vocabulary.


Purpose of the test

The IELTS Writing test is designed to assess a wide range of writing skills, including how well you

ü write a response appropriately

ü organise ideas

ü use a range of vocabulary and grammar accurately

This is the case for whichever version of the IELTS test you are taking.



The IELTS Writing test takes 60 minutes. Spend 20 minutes on Task 1, and 40 minutes on Task 2.

You will need to manage your own time, so make sure you move on to Task 2 after 20 minutes.


Two tasks

There are two tasks in the IELTS Writing test. You will be asked to write at least 150 words for Task 1 and at least 250 words for Task 2.


IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training Writing tests

The content of the Writing test is different for IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training tests.


IELTS Academic Writing test

·        Write in a formal style in the IELTS Academic Writing test.

·        In Task 1

o   you will be presented with a graph, table, chart or diagram. You will be asked to describe, summarise or explain the information in your own words. This might involve describing and explaining data, describing the stages of a process or how something works, or describing an object or event.

·        In Task 2

o   you will be asked to write an essay in response to a point of view, argument or problem. You should find the issues interesting and easy to understand.


IELTS General Training Writing test

The topics used in the IELTS General Training Writing test are of general interest.

In Task 1 you will be presented with a situation and asked to write a letter requesting information or explaining the situation. You can write the letter in a personal, semi-formal or formal style.

In Task 2 you will be asked to write an essay in response to a point of view, argument or problem. You can use a fairly personal style.



Your Writing test will be marked by a certificated IELTS examiner. Task 2 is worth twice as much as Task 1 in the IELTS Writing test. Scores are reported in whole and half bands.


Why study at John Smith’s English Centre?

ü Rated “Excellent” based on over 1000 independent client reviews

ü Over 10 years’ experience

ü Tailored training delivers clear results

ü Memorable experiences in Delhi or Gurgaon


500+ Students & Professionals benefitted

40+ Batches

99.9% Enjoying a better life

99% Rated ‘Excellent’



12 Weeks

6 Weeks

6 Weeks

Total Hours




Days of Study

Monday to Friday

Monday to Friday

Monday to Friday

Hours / Day

2 Hrs / Day

2 Hrs / Day

2 Hrs / Day


7AM - 9PM

7AM - 9PM

7AM - 9PM










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